Mozambique…far away, always close


Beira, Mozambique

A while ago, my Mozambican adventure came to an end. I’ve relocated to Bavaria, enjoyed – and later, cursed – Central European winter, and currently am busy building up a new life in a new town. Including the preparation time in Austria and Portugal, the whole ride has lasted for more than half a year. And yes, it took me at least 2-3 months to re-adjust after my return, and to start processing.

During that ride, blogging really helped me a lot to put together bits and pieces of what I saw, experienced, and learned. And I felt very happy and proud to notice that friends, acquaintances, and total strangers all over the world show interest in my posts, my thoughts, my pictures.

So I have left Mozambique, but Mozambique has not left me. Actually, the more time passes, the more ideas and thoughts come up that I would like to write about. So I will do my best to keep this blog alive and dedicate it to all kinds of topics that are related to Moçambique maravilhosa.


…that’s why I will keep on blogging



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